May 31, 2009

What happened Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Today

Sorry I haven't written in a few days. Here's a recap of what happened.
So on Thursday Ithaca has this festival called "The Ithaca Festival" (imagine that) and the parade is right near the church. So Tab gave out hot dogs and lemonade and all for the novel price of $0(AKA free). And even though we didn't give away as many as we wanted to we gave out a good amount. The Gideons(the guys who give out new testament/proverbs and psalms bibles) gave away several New Testaments as well! God is so good! That was Thursday.
On Friday, this girl named Jacquelyn(she follows this blog and is great at giving out advice) was graduating. I made a pit stop at the Bakers' house and Mr. Baker and I talked a lot about my blog and some other stuff. So at this graduation, I learned how to be a thirsty camel(don't ask) and we sang some really great hymns that I hadn't sung in a while. It was great! I got to see her and a bunch of my other pals! That was Friday.
Then, Saturday came. Saturday evening there was a dinner at the church for the missionaries that were going to be speaking on Sunday. The missionary's name was Dan Wood. He came with a part of his family: Danny(who was 15), Analis(who was 6) and Tovia(who was 5). He is ministering to Jewish people in southern Brazil. I got to listen to Mr. Wood and learn a lot. That was Saturday.
Sunday was today(or tomorrow or some other day, depending on when you read this). I listened to Mr. Wood during Sunday school and learned a lot about what he does and about his life and his family's life in south Brazil. Then, he sang this really cool song in morning service in Hebrew! It was so cool! He gave some of his family's history and preached on Acts 8:26-40. He went 10 minutes overtime, but he said some things that I really needed to hear. After he spoke, he and his family came to my house for lunch. I got to know Danny better, and we found out that we have a lot in common. It was so neat! God has really blessed me over the past few days! I am super thankful for all he has given to me!

1 comment:

HIS daughter said...

It was so much fun seeing you at Jac's grad! Wish we could have got to hang out more though! Praying for you :)