Oct 24, 2009

My Fears

The saying goes: Tis the season to be scarified. This is usually true,because Halloween is about scary stuff. It's about scaring the socks off everyone. It's about people's fear. And so since I'm not planning on getting scared I thought I would just tell everyone the stuff I'm afraid of:

Heights of 50 feet or more (Little heights I can deal with, like getting on the roof, trampoline jumping, etc.)
Strangers that I have to interact with(Random people I don't have to interact with that I meet on the street are OK,but if I'm going to have to work with them/play with them/minister with them, etc. then I get kinda nervous)
Girls(Yes, I do mean in general. That's one I'm trying to work on,because I know I need to just be myself and not worry about what they think. I guess I'm also sort of afraid they'll laugh at me. With me or at my jokes is OK, but not at me. Something I need to work on.)
Snakes( In glass cases is way cool. Out in the wild, in my bed or in my hand kind of scares me though. But if I had to handle them, I think I would want a long sticky thing with a hook on the end.)

Other than those things, I'm not really afraid of anything else. If you think of anything else let me know.

Oct 16, 2009

The two H's

H number one stands for Hannas. The Hannas got here on Wednesday night and stayed until Monday morning. While they were here they helped us with apple sauce and we made over 100 jars! Unfortunately while they were here most of them got sick.

And Monday evening I got sick. And Tuesday afternoon I found out what I had and what they had: H1N1 (Otherwise known as swine flu). Fortunately, now I'm doing much better. I've only got a cough now, and I'm over the fever. So that's where I've been.

Oct 6, 2009


Ironic isn't it, that the title is September and I haven't written anything all last month. And that this is now October.
Sorry I haven't been posting. Here's what I've been doing since August 24:
VBS days 2-5
Learning a lot about purity
Getting stronger in my faith
Starting school
Struggling with Geometry,Writing and Grammar, Biology, World History, and Spanish 1
Watching the Clone Wars Season 3 Premier(which was awesome by the way!)
Getting fish tank set up
Getting two new goldfish and almost $40 worth of equipment
Writing this post

And now that brings us to the present: now!

And now to the future. This Wednesday thru Monday, some friends of mine from Ohio, will be staying at my house. And while the adults are making applesauce I'll be having the time of my life goofing off.... I mean helping them! :)
I'm not dead... yet.