May 26, 2009

Jail: Right or Wrong?

Fact #1: The Bible says that evil should be punished. In the Bible wrong choices are always followed by consequences.
Fact#2: The Bible says that hanging with evildoers is not good. The Bible warns people to avoid evildoers.
Fact#3: Putting people in jail for life gives them no chance to redeem themselves.
Fact#4: Putting people in jail is a form of punishment.
Fact#5: While in jail, people will run into tons of bad influences and evildoers.
Fact#6: Putting people in jail protects the person in jail and other people.

So based on all these facts, is jail a good or bad idea? Should we go back to the old "cut of people's hands if they steal"? Here's what I think...
Prison is a good idea. Wrong needs to be punished. People who have commited crimes are a potential threat to themselves and those around them. The people that a criminal is imprisoned with may not be the greatest, but that really can't be helped. Being with people like that is almost a punishment itself. So is jail good or bad? In my opinion it is for the most part good. What are your thoughts? Leave me a comment!


Anonymous said...

I heard a man once say that jail and prison are not synonomyns {sp?}he had been in both so I figure he knew.
That said I believe the punish ment should fit the crime. Armed robbery maybe cut off the hand would be a deterent especially if it was done in a rather public way. Not totally sure about all this though just some random thots.
Mr. B

HIS daughter said...

I would completely agree with you Scott...there are consequences to peoples actions and jail is...yeah sometime the consequence people need. Idk...unfortunently, sometimes they go in and come out worse so it is a hard thing...
Thanks for commenting on my blog :) I am not so sure about the new look! Kinda different from anything that I have ever done! will work out and if not I will change it ;) lol. Blessings!

Scott Paris said...

Yeah, Katy, I know what you mean about jail making people worse. That was one of the reasons I was wondering if it was really beneficial or not.