May 1, 2009

If I Had 10,000 Dollars...

If you were in charge of Youth Group, and some one gave you $10,000 to help out with your youth ministry, what would you do with it? Mr. Baker and I were talking about it on Sunday afternoon. What are you supposed to do with ten thousand dollars? One of Mr. Baker's ideas was to pay kids $5to come to youth group or to listen to some one preach.(He was kidding of course:) But think about it. If you had all that moola and you gave people money to come listen to some one speak, for an hour to and hour and a half, would they listen? Would they really take to heart was said? Would they come even if there wasn't moola involved?(Don't you just love the word "moola". Makes me want to jump on the tramoline.)
Mr. Baker said that quote "Someone said they would put up a big banner. Interesting but why not grab a paint brush and a large piece of flat surface and do that now. I'm certain it would not cost anywhere near $10000."
Some of my ideas were to use the money for ministry trips. Not like going to Zimbabwe and using all the money to pay for one person to go, but like going to Arkansas to help a church with VBS and useing the money to pay for gas to get there. Or to use the money to go to a Baptist camp(like Lamoka(which by the way is just about the coolest place ever!)) and pay for the gas to get there. Or using the money to help pay for supplies on a ministry trip(like hoola hoops, bubbles, water guns. Cool and totally fun stuff like that.)
Another idea is using the money to do something similar to what we did in NYC. Give out hotdogs(after all who doesn't like food!) and do music.
So what would you do if you had all that moola? Leave a comment to tell me your ideas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the term moola also.
Along the lines of this post is there anything that would be off limits if we thought that it would further the spread of the Gospel
is this what Paul was saying in
1 Corinthians 9 especially verses 19-23?
comments anyone

Mr. BB