May 8, 2009

Pizza and Walking With God

So tonight I was eating pizza. I love pizza!(But seriously who doesn't. If you don't I pity you.) I had two pieces of pizza and two glasses of Mountain Dew. After which, I felt extremely sick. So I was thinking. Piazza tastes good. Yet it makes me sick, and isn't healthy. Vitamins are disguting.(Well, except vitamin C. That tastes good. But I had to take these chewable vitamins when I was little, that(no joke)tasted like flavored grit. Blech!) But disguting as some vitamins are they are healthy, and I have less chance of getting sick. Are we in our Christian life bogged down with pizza and mountain dew? The stuff in our life that really isn't good for a christian to be looking at/listening to/doing, but we do it because it feels good or satisfies us(for the time being). But when we go to read our Bible or go to church(the stuff that is awesome for our walk with Christ) we whine and say, "Do we have to?" or "Oh, OK." or "*heavy exhale* OK, come on let's go."? We have to stop eating the pizza of life, and eat the vitamins of the Christian walk! And eventually the vitamins will stop tasting like flavored grit and be like vitamin C. So that was just something I was thinking about today. So it is super late, and I better get to bed. Hopefully I won't ever post this late at night again.

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