Jun 4, 2009

Thursday Trumpet

For those of you who don't know I play trumpet! When I lived in Wyoming,(if you've never been there you need to contact me and I can tell you all about it, and what to do there, and who to meet there) I went up to Geneseeo every thursday to take trumpet lessons from a guy named Mr. Tripiciano. Mr. Trip is a hunter/speaker/music teacher, who taught me to play trumpet and allowed me to play in a school band. I started taking lessons from him in March of 2008. He helped me do really well and play with confidence(which had a part in my "coming out of my shell"). Well, when I left he gave me all the band music and I agreed to play in the spring concert. Today at 7:20 my Mom and I left the house to go to Geneseeo so I could play with the band before the concert. So I went and played with the band and saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in a while, and touched up on the things that I wasn't all that great at. And after that my mom and I picked up the kitchen island at the Furniture Barn. And after that it was time for lunch. I wolfed down three 99 cent Arby's sandwiches, and half of a bottle of water. And after that I slept most of the way to Ithaca. And so tomorrow evening at 7 PM Eastern Time, I will be playing in the spring concert at Geneseeo Christian School. If you get the time I could use some prayer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for you and all the others in the concert. Have agreat time and tell your Dad I said happy birthday

Mr. B