Jun 10, 2009

School's Out!

So school was officially out for my family yesterday! Yipee! Now I can have some serious fun! So I was thinking about all I'm going to be doing this summer like...
  • Ohio/Pittsburg trip(to see friends and my great aunt) June 12-16 First, we're going to see our friends who live in Columbus, Ohio. The kids are the similar ages as the Paris kids, so we usually have fun. Then, we visit my great aunt(who by the way teaches philosophy at Geneva College and has written at least one philosophy book) who lives in Pittsburg. That usually is fun aswell.
  • Laura's Grad Party July 11 So that should be fun to see Laura and all the rest of the Wyoming people.
  • Sunday July 12 So after the grad party I get to go to church at Wyoming and go to Sunday School and fun stuff like that
  • VBS(at Wyoming) July 13-17 So that should be incredibly fun,becuase not only do I get to hang out with a bunch of sweaty smelly kids and be increibly tired at the end of the day, but I get to minister to them and serve God! That is awesomness! Plus I get to hang out at my friend Jordan's house. Superness!
  • TLC(Teen Leadership Conference) July 20-24 So I'm hoping I'll learn a lot there and get to know the Yorkshire crew a little better. So that should be fun as well, just like the rest of the summer.
  • Family Camp 3 August 17-22 So I will get to hang out with my family for an entire week at (in my opnion) one of the most cool places on earth: Camp Lamoka! If you've never been there, you are terribly deprived!
  • VBS(at TAB) August 24-28 So I'm not sure whether this will be fun,but I'm going to try to make it be. We're doing the Arctic Express(or something like that) VBS from RBP. Hopefully it will go well.

And so that is what is happening in my incredibly packed summer! If I'm not posting for long periods of time it's probably because I'm not around.

1 comment:

HIS daughter said...

YAY! I get to see you at Laura's Grad party!!! That will be fun :)
Congrats on finishing school and yeah you have a CRAZY packed summer! Should be fun :)