Jun 16, 2009

I'm Back!

Hey! Just when you thought I dropped off the face of the earth, here I am again. So here's a recap of what I was doing these past few days...
  • Went to Columbus, Ohio and visited some friends. So the first day(Friday) we got to our friends' house at about dinner time. I played Ultimate frisbee(a fun game if you know what you are doing) in their backyard. Somehow I always seem to get hurt. This trip was no exception. So I was running after the frisbee to catch it and make a touchdown and their was this spikey bush thing between me and the frisbee. Need I say anymore? I got this long horizontal 6" scratch(I measured it) across my chest. Wierdly enough, it didn't cut through my shirt. So that hurt like nuts for a few days.
  • Then on Saturday afternoon, Jackson, one of my friends who is 12, another of my friends who was 10, and Jack went down to the park for some serious watergunning. So the layout of this water area is this: a pioneer wagon and an outpost on one end of the area, a tunnel that leads from near the wagon to Fort Washington, Fort Washington in the middle with angles galore, and hoses on the opposite end. So when we get to the water area, there is no one at the outpost or wagon, and all the kids who were originally fighting each other decide to gang up on us. So like a dozen kids 9-11 years old all start charging our position, one of them shouting names at us, profanity, and a certain unamed finger. This was obviously to get us mad and get us to come into the fort so they could nail us. So obviously they were playing a mental war. Two can play this game, I thought, so I start just walking slowly toward thier position gun held high. The kids see that by spraying me they aren't slowing me down, so they run screaming and yelling away at top speed. So within a half an hour of fighting, about 6 or 7 kids have surrendered and joined our team, so after that we just sort of nailed the annoying kid ( the one who was swearing and running) and his compatriots. So that was fun.
  • So my family went to church in Columbus with our friends. Then, we traveled to Pittsburgh to see my great aunt who has written at least one book and is starting on another and is a philosophy teacher at Geneva College.
  • In Pittsburgh, everybody is happy because the Penguins won the Stanley Cup. Everyone is so happy that, they were having a parade Monday. And so we were driving around in that chaos all yesterday. So first we went to the Pittsburgh Children's Museum. That was fun. The only downside was that it was small and you could see everything there was to see in about an hour. After that, we went to lunch to meet with my first cousin. That was fun, the kids got to play on the playground, and I got to eat.(One of my favorite pastimes!) Then, we went to the Carnegie Science Center. It is right next to the Steelers' Stadium, so I got to see the outside of that. We went on the motion simulator, in a submarine called the USS Requin(that missed WWII by two days), and some other really cool stuff.
  • The really sad part of my trip was that at the science center there was a exhibit on Darwin. Christians and non-Christians alike agree that Religion and Philosophy cannot interfere with science. Yet they had topics such as, "Can you believe in God and Evolution?". It makes me sad to think of all the people who are beliving in the THEORY(it is still a theory. People seem to forget that.) of Evolution. So that was a downer.
  • And after all that stuff, I went to bed. Then, I got up took a shower. Chased after my aunt's dog because he got loose. Walked the dog after I got him. Borrowed a book. And then was trapped in a van with 5 other people for 6 hours. And I'm here to tell about it! So that is where I was.


HIS daughter said...

Wow! That sounds like a packed trip! Glad you got home safely :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recap of the trip Scott. How is the scratch doing? Healed yet? Keep posting!
Mrs. Baker

Scott Paris said...

Yeah,it is healing pretty well. I've actually started picking at the scab, and I've been getting away with it. Shhhh! :)