Apr 29, 2009

What It Is Like To Be a Dingaling

So last night was my first bell chior practice. I think it's going to be a lot of fun! So what is it like to be a dingaling? Well you have to wear these white gloves that make you look like Mickey mouse. (I had the Lamoka ministry team 08 T-shirt on so I looked a lot like a mime. Kinda funny.) And on the music there are the letters LV and R. LV means let vibrate and R means to stop. Very cool! All the bells have a bell symbol and then the letter of the note. So I played G,A and B flat(on the lower base clef). I don't have trouble playing, I just have trouble finding where I am. I'll play the right note, just one measure too early. Hopefully I'll do better next time. But it is a lot of fun, despite the frustrations!
COMING SOON: WHAT IF? (Still waiting for Mr. Baker to email me) and DREAMS(if you have had any wierd dreams please email them to me. I would like to get lots of dreams for this post, but so far I haven't gotten any:(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Scott, you are my favorite dingaling - actually the only one I know. Enjoyed the education too of what the music looks like. I just got on Mr.B's case for you. Keep writing.
Mrs. B.