Apr 17, 2009

Pics of Tab

So here's some pics of where I go to church now. The church is called Tabernacel Baptist. Tab for short.

  1. This top picture is a picture of part of the sanctuary. The photo I took of the whole thing didn't come out too good.

  2. The second picture is a picture of Heather in the very dark lobby/ entryway/the place where most everyone comes in.

  3. The third picture is of the college kids' classroom. Usually it is full, but since I took this on a Wed. night, it is empty.

  4. The two sylish 15 passenger vans are used every morning to go to the Cornell campus and pick up the college students who want to go to church to church. Usually the vans are full. But again it is Wed. night so they are empty.

  5. Seeing as we have so many older people and disabled people that come to church, Tab has this really cool elevator with doors on both sides.

  6. This is a picture of the outside of Tab.

  7. And this is the sign with the stylish logo that sits out front.
  8. Ok, that was wierd. I forgot to put this picture in, and somehow it ended up at the top. So number 8 really is the pic at the top and number one is number one on this long downward list of pics. So anyway, this is the youth room. It is empty because it is Wed. night. Although, it wouldn't matter what day/night it was because, there really aren't any youth.(Well, there's me. But that's not saying much. Oh yeah, and Heather.) So if you want something to pray about pray for teens. So that is my church. Hope you liked the pics!

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