Mar 25, 2009

Packed Day

Hey, had a pretty packed day. Took a Geography test on Central Asia and the Caucus region. I think I did OK. Then we went to the library. Dude, the library has so many books the building is the same size as a house. And I got a library card. Never had one so it's cool for me. Metal detectors,(don't wnat any counterfeit books)security(so people don't steal the books I guess), Self checkout(it was pretty snazzy too). I don't think we're in Kansas any more Toto!
And then to top it all off I went and got a beta. Had one before, but I accidentally drugged it up so much it died. And I never got around to getting another one. And so today I finally got a red beta. Haven't named him yet,but I'm open for suggestions.


God's Student said...

You should name him Omega...or Optimus Prime...that would be cool. yeah about those metal detecting things you walk through at the library...don't throw the books through them...they make lots of noise and the evil library people come after you...Now don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about the people that work the desk; I'm talking about the librarians they keep locked up in the secret basement that they release to seize small children for training to become librarians...

Scott Paris said...

Oh,now it makes sense! Thanks for clearing that up.

Jac said...

Hmmm...I heard all about your awesome library visit first hand from your parents...I could have heard about it from you except for some odd reason...YOU DIDNT COME UP WITH THEM!!!! But its ok, I am not bitter! OH, and I think you should name your beautiful red beta Jacquelyn after me....unless it dies...then you should quickly change its name to Jordan!

Scott Paris said...

Jacquelyn, are you sure that you want a red MALE beta named after you?