Jul 1, 2009

Howe Caverns

So Howe Caverns is about 35 miles from Albany. It is really cool! It has an underground river, an underground lake, and is really cool! So these two pictures below are of the river Styx(no that isn't an error). In Greek mythology the river Styx flows through hell. Creepy!

This here is a stalagmite and a stalactite. When two of they combine it is called a column.This rock above the walkway is called Godzila's head. This cave is getting creepier(I think that is a word) all the time! I've outlined the shape so you can see it a little better.

This rock here is called "The Three Witches". Very much creepiness! Again I've outlined the shapes

This here is called the turtle. Why? Because it is shaped like a turtle!
This stalagmite is called the "Leaning Tower of Pisa".
This strange formation in the picture below is called the organ. If you hum, the sound resonates and makes a really cool sound.
This here is a calcite heart. There are two myths that the tour guide told us:
  1. If you stand on the heart you will have good luck.(Immeadeatly all the kids on the tour jump on the heart, until our tour guide tells them the next myth...)
  2. If you stand on the heart you will get married in a year.(All the kids jump off the heart in a split second. Very funny!)

So those are some of the many cool sites at Howe Caverns!

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