Jul 4, 2009

Happy 4th!

So today I went tubing and got whacked with wooden swords and swam in very cold water. All this happened at my grandparents' cottage which is on the channel that connects Mud lake and Whaneta Lake and Lamoka Lake. Today three really cool things happened:
  1. My grandpa took me on a wild ten minute tube ride. And I stayed on and had a ton of fun.
  2. My little cousin fell off the dock with his life jacket on. I was able to quickly grad him and pull him out of the water. Hopefully I won't have to do something like that again.
  3. My sister(don't get me wrong she's family and all, still she is kinda a knucklhead at times. Kinda like me. It must run in the family) lost her glasses off the dock. Thankfully we were able to find them after 20 minutes or so. And even better they weren't sratched too badly.

So those are three of the highlights of the day at the cottage. Happy 4th everyone!

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