Dec 16, 2009

We Three Kings of Orient Are...

Hey all! With the Christmas season fast approaching, I thought that I would share some interesting facts I found out today about the Magi.
  • Ever wonder why we have the wise men in the manger scene? Well, it turns out that in 1223 a monk named Francis who was from Assisi, decided to do a live nativity. (Francis of Assisi was actually the first guy to do this and so he could be considered the founder of the live nativity.) Francis used people from the local village to be Joseph, Mary, the shepherds, etc. and built a wooden manger and stable. Francis wanted to tell the whole story so he included the wisemen along with the manger scene, even though he knew it wasn't biblically accurate.
  • How many kings were there? A Persian account says that there were 5. During Medieval times people thought it was 12.
  • Magi? What does it mean? Magi is plural for Magus, which has connections with astronomy and Zoroastrianism, a pagan religion tied with the stars and other astronomical things.

That's all I've got for now. If you know any other cool facts about Magi, let me know. I'd love to hear about them!


Anonymous said...

these guys didn't puff on blow up cigars did they

Christianna said...

That's pretty neat! I didn't know that about Francis of Assisi. I love learning little details about things that happened in the Bible :)