- Vladamir I was trying to decide which religion would be the official religion of Russia. He sent envoys to Muslim mosques,Catholic churches, and Eastern Orthodox churches. Vladamir rejected Roman Catholicism because the services were dull. But he "converted to Eastern Orthodoxy" because the services were vibrant and the way the people acted while they were there. Why don't we do that? Shouldn't our churches just scream to people that we're worshipping God with our whole heart and that there isn't another place we'd rather be?
- Most Muslims memorize the entire Koran. Why don't we do that? The Koran isn't Allah's word or even Mohammed's word. The Koran was written by people after Mohammed's death on what they remember Muhammad saying. The Bible on the other hand was written by God. Isn't that worth memorizing more than a book written by some people writing a book on memory?
- Hinduism is very open to other religions. You can add any "god" to Hinduism, because they are all theoretically a part of the "world soul". This is my question: Why DO we do that? Christianity is so lukewarm! Sometimes Christians can get so mixed up with other unbiblical stuff that it's hard to tell they're Christians. We need to be careful not to fall into that trap as well.
- Confusius said a lot of things. One of them I found interesting. He said, "It does not greatly concern me... that men do not know me; my great concern is my not knowing them." Why isn't that our desire? The more people you know, the more people you can minister to. Thousands and thousands of people don't know God, and you might be the only one to ever tell them.
Now maybe you see where I'm going. Christians can learn from others and pick up their good habits. I'm not sure if anyone will read this, but it's here for someone.
good point. Christians have the theology down, but were (most of us)just a bunch lazy people holding losely to a religion that requires little work, but great rewards. that doesnt mean if we memorize te whole bible we get to heaven, but why not? we have plenty of time for our "other gods" but not enough for God.
Interesting thots Scott. If truth is really all that its cracked up to be, then it ought to be vibrant and passionate.
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